A Raleigh public charter school with the quality of a private education
Global Learning
Torchlight Academy provides several different languages. Arabic, Spanish and Mandarin (Chinese). This practice allows for our students to have a more cosmopolitan view of the world.
Torchlight Academy is a free charter school. There are no special requirements to enroll as a student. You can live anywhere in the state of North Carolina and attend Torchlight Academy.
Torchlight Academy Charter School ranked number one in student growth index in Math and Reading among all charter schools in the state of North Carolina.
"We all love Torchlight Academy. We appreciate all they are doing for the school and the community. My children would never consider attending another school."
Ashanty Reyes strode confidently to the microphone.
A room full of important grown-ups in dark business suits turned toward her. News cameras clicked, anticipating her words.
In a clear, ringing voice, Ashanty said:
“Hello my name is Ashanty Reyes and I’m a third-grade student at Torchlight Academy, a charter school here in Raleigh. I love my school. I love my friends and teachers and principal. Together we’ve learned and done so much.